It is that time of the year for the greatest hits of 2024. The greatest hits section of the blog contains the top 10 for the year as well as certain other blog entries that are not in the top 10, but I feel are very important to know are out there. Here goes the
fundamental alteration
2023 Understanding the ADA Greatest Hits
I hope those that celebrated had a happy Hanukkah. Merry Christmas, happy new year, and happy holidays to everyone.
Today’s blog entry is my top 11 or so for the year. As is my past practice, I have included important blog entries that do not make the list . Most of those though were…
Fundamental Alteration, Undue Burden, Deliberate Indifference, Facially Neutral Policies, and the Title II entity
Today’s blog entry comes to me courtesy of Richard Hunt, who in his blog will often do many briefs of several cases at once. He focuses on title III and the Fair Housing Act, especially from the defense side. However, he did mention our case of the day in one of his blogs, and I…
Sovereign Immunity and Legislative Streaming at the 11th Circuit
I missed a blog entry last week. However, I had a good excuse. I had pressing client matters at the beginning of the week. In the middle of the week, my parents came in to visit. So, not a lot of available time. I’m back though.
Previously, I have blogged, here, on the…
ADA Pleading Tips
Happy new year everybody. Hope everybody enjoyed their holiday and is now raring to get back to work. Just to give everybody a heads up, the week of January 28 and February 3 may not see a blog entry for me at all. During those two weeks, I will be testifying in two different trials…
Interactive Process Framework
I recently had the privilege of presenting at the Georgia ADA Coordinators conference held at the Georgia aquarium. In the room that I presented in, it ran right up against the beluga whales exhibit. There were times when I would look around the room, and I would see a couple of beluga whales staring at…
Are Plasma Centers Places of Public Accommodations?
Previously, we have discussed here and here whether a plasma center is a place of public accommodation under title III. That discussion shows there is already a split in the Circuit Courts on the issue. On August 30, 2019, the Third Circuit weighed in on this in Matheis v. CSL Plasma Inc., A published…
Effective Communication Obligations Reach Beyond any Interactive Process
School is coming up for many. Here in Atlanta, many started August 1 if not the Monday of that week. By the end of this week, just about everybody in metro Atlanta will have started school. My daughter started her second year of high school on August 1. So, this week is her first full…