Before getting started on the blog entry of the day, I am currently reading Over Ruled by Justice Gorsuch and Janie Nitze. My passion for constitutional law and legal theory started in college when I took those two separate classes from Professor Rumble while majoring in political science at Vassar College. Now, I enjoy reading

When Cummings v. Premier Rehab Keller was decided, discussed here, it was inevitable that eventually courts would start addressing the issue of whether Title II of the ADA allows for emotional distress damages. During Cummings oral argument, a couple of the Justices anticipated that, and court decisions are beginning to come on this issue. The

I always assumed that a dog satisfying the definitions of a service animal under the DOJ final regulations for title II and title III of the ADA would have to be automatically allowed by an employer where the employee has a service dog satisfying that definition. At least in the Eighth Circuit, that isn’t the

I have been absolutely slammed this week, which is why I am so late in getting a blog entry up for the week. Before getting started on the blog entry for the day, I do want to mention that the Department of Justice has now issued a final rule on website accessibility involving Title II

When it comes to the ADA, there are three possible kinds of lawsuits. First, disparate treatment. Second, failure to accommodate. Third, disparate impact. You don’t see a lot of disparate impact cases. As a result, I thought it would be useful to blog on a decision dealing with the disparate impact issue. Our case of

I hope everyone is getting back into the swing of the new year. Next week, I will be visiting my daughter in between January term and second semester. I will be here Monday but leave Tuesday and back Friday. So, I am not sure of the timing of the blog entry for next week. This