- Co-Panelist, How Lawyers Can and Should Combat Bias and Micro Aggressions in Their Daily Practice, to be presented October 24, 2024 as an ABA webinar.
- Co-Panelist, Working with Disabled Clients and Disabled Attorneys, presented on October 15, 2024, as an ABA webinar.
- Working with Disabled Clients and Disabled Attorneys, presented at the Minnesota CLE Health Law Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on September 20, 2024.
- Co-Panelist, Policing and People with Disabilities, presented September 5, 2024, at the Federal Bar Association national convention in Kansas City, Missouri.
- Co-Panelist, being heard as a d/Deaf or Hard of Hearing Attorney: Effective Navigation of Various Paradigm for Courtroom Accommodations, presented July 2, 2024, as part of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Bar Association national convention in Chicago, Illinois.
- The ADA: Required Reading in the Fitness for Duty Field, a myLawCLE webinar presented with Robert Emmons M.D. on June 6, 2024.
- The Importance of Faculty Staying in Their Lane, to be presented in two parts on April 12 and April 19, 2024, as a webinar for Iona University faculty.
- The Importance of Faculty Staying in Their Lane, to be presented March 21, 2024, as part of the national spring virtual conference for the American Association for Paralegal Education..
- AI and ADA’s Title I, to be presented March 22, 2024 as part of Ohio Northern University Law School Law Review Symposium.
- Persons with Disabilities, Technology, and the Evolving Legal Landscape, presented in two parts as part of the Great Lakes ADA Center ADA Legal Webinar series on November 29, 2023 and January 17, 2024.
- Animals Everywhere: Top 10 Things to Know and of Laws, Regulations, and Guidances, presented online at the 24th annual APAW Expo, October 23, 2023.
- Working with Disabled Attorneys and Disabled Clients, presented to the Minnesota Continuing Legal Education Bankruptcy Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 3, 2023.
- Co-panelist, Remedies in the Post-Cummings World, presented as a Federal Bar Association civil rights section webinar, August 23, 2023
- Hot Issues in Disability Rights and Technology, a webinar for Lawline.com, to be presented June 23, 2023.
- Effective Communication Training on Deaf/Deaf/HOH and Other Matters, presented as a webinar to Georgia judges on April 5, 2023.
- Legal Compliance and Ethical Considerations for Courtrooms, presented as a webinar to Georgia judges on April 12, 2023.
- Stay in Your Lane: What Faculty Needs to Know about Title II in Title III of the ADA and the Processes Associated with It, presented to Benedictine University faculty, Lisle Illinois, February 23, 2023.
- Pressure Points With Respect to ADA Compliance, presented to Benedictine University Provosts and Deans, Lisle, Illinois, February 23, 2023.
- Panelist, Remedies, Court Access, and Beyond: Life after Cummings, presented at the Federal Bar Association Civil Rights Etouffee, February 3, 2023.
- Co-Panelist, Artificial Intelligence and the Law, webinar presented as part of the State Bar of New York Bridging the Gap CLE presented on November 16, 2022.
- ADA Compliant Website, What Lawyers Need to Know, webinar presented a part of the State Bar of New York Bridging the Gap CLE presented on November 17, 2022.
- Hot Issues in Title I of the ADA, to be presented as a webinar to the Brooklyn New York NLRB regional office, October 27, 2022.
- Keynote speaker: Disability: Part of the Equity Equation, presented remotely as part of the US Department of Energy National Disability Employment Awareness Month Presentation and Celebration on October 20, 2022,
- Hot issues in title I of the ADA, to be presented as a webinar at the annual convention of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Bar Association, October 26, 2022.
- Hot issues in title I of the ADA, presented as a webinar to the DC chapter of the Federal Bar Association, October 12, 2022.
- ADA Compliance: Taming the Wild West of Technology, to be presented as a webinar in Fall of 2022 on behalf of the ABA Law Practice Division’s Productivity, Knowledge, and Strategy Committee.
- Applications of the ADA in Magistrate Court, to be presented in Athens, GA, on August 30, 2022, as part of the 40 hour civil basics certification for new, non-attorney magistrates.
- Meet the Expert: What You Need to Know about the ADA’s Reasonable Accommodation Requirements, to be presented on September 20, 2022 as part of the Arudia Leadership and Management Academy.
- Disability Inclusion Matters & How You Can Make that Happen, Federal Bar Association National Convention preconference webinar, September 9, 2022.
- Effective Communication and Internet Accessibility, presented as a webinar for LawLine CLE, recorded June 21, 2022.
- Effective Communication and Internet Accessibility, presented as a webinar to Fulton County Arts and Culture on May 18, 2022.
- Effective Communication and Internet Accessibility, presented as a webinar to clients of the Georgia Lawyer for the Arts on March 23, 2022.
- Introduction to Title I of the ADA-Animals Included, presented as a webinar to the Georgia Independent College Association on March 1, 2022.
- My Journey and an Overview of the ADA, presented as a lunch and learn webinar on October 27, 2021, to the Federal Bar Association District of Columbia Chapter Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
- Managing Return to Work/Class in the Time of Covid-19, to be presented on October 7, 2021, with Robin Shea, Esq. of Constangy, Brooks, Smith and Prophete to the American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE) 2021 virtual convention.
- Application of the ADA and Magistrate Courts, to be presented virtually September 14, 2021, at the 2021 Georgia Magistrate Court Judges Civil Basics Certification Course, Athens, GA.
- Panelist: Ask the Experts, a one hour webinar to be presented on June 9, 2021 at the State of Georgia ADA Coordinators Conference.
- The Present Landscape of Internet Accessibility, a one hour webinar for the Chicago Bar Association to be presented on June 23, 2021.
- The Intersection between the Airline Deregulation Act, the Air Carrier Access Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and State Negligence Law and Commercial Airline Travel, A Two Hour Webinar for the Georgia Bar Aviation Section, presented May 5, 2021.
- Moderator, ADA Compliance in the Continuing Challenge of Internet and Website Accessibility175161161160, an ABA webinar, presented April 22, 2021.
- The Wild West of Internet Accessibility Litigation, presented as part of the ABA Tech show, March 12, 2021.
- Co-Panelist: Employment Laws for the Nonemployment Law Attorneys: What You Need to Know during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic176160162162161, a webinar presented to the solo and small firm section of the Pennsylvania Bar Association, March, 2021.
- Co-Panelist: Reasonable Accommodations during and after Covid-19, presented to FBA 2021 virtual national convention, February 26, 2021.
- Co-panelist: Accommodations in Higher Education, presented to the Advocacy for Disability Justice club at the University of Idaho College of Law, February 11, 2021.
- ADA, GINA, Title VII and Covid-19, webinar to be presented for Fragomen, U.S.A. division, February 11, 2021.
- Effective Communication Obligations under Title I, Title II, and Title III, presented as a 90 minute webinar for the GA Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, January 14, 2021
- A Short Overview of Internet Accessibility Litigation, webinar to be presented as part of a MA CLE program, January 13, 2021.
- Effective Communication Obligations under Title I, Title II, and Title III, presented as a 90 minute webinar for ProLaw CLE222157156160161161163163162, December 11, 2020.
- Guest lecturer, Speaking on the ADA to Professor Susan Goico’s, Georgia State University Law School, Olmstead Clinic, October 29, 2020.
- Applications of the ADA in Magistrate Courts, a two hour webinar presented on demand to GA magistrates, September, 2020.
- Animals Everywhere: What are the Laws, Regulations, and Guidances, presented at the 22nd Animal Protection and Wellness Exposition Virtual Convention, October, 2020.
- Co-Panelist with Julie Chovanes, Esq., Jeffrey Rothman, Esq., and Retired LAPD Sgt. Cheryl Dorsey, Issues Surrounding Law Enforcement Liability11711911665158157161162162164164163, Part III, a one hour Federal Bar Association webinar to be presented on September 14, 2020.
- Co-Panelist with Alexander Paykin, Esq.: Leveraging Legal Technology for Social Distancing and Accessibility11812011766159158162163163165165164 a one hour ABA webinar to be presented on September 9, 2020.
- Co-panelist with Feancesca Rothseid: Reopening Safely: Making the Right Choices and Accommodations for Your Workplace and Employees, a one hour ABA webinar, to be presented on August 6, 2020.
- Sorting out Internet Accessibility in the World of ADA Compliance and Just What Are Effective Communication Regulations, a two hour presentation, presented on May 14, 2020, at the Georgia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Co-panelist/Moderator: Practicing Law While Living Openly with a Disability, an ABA webinar, presented March 25, 2020.
- Co-panelist with Liz Brown-Disability Services Director, Abilene Christian University: Just What Are Your ADA Obligations As a College or University When Dealing with Externship and Internship Programs, an AHEAD webinar, to be presented March 5, 2020.
- Sorting out Internet Accessibility and the World of ADA Compliance, presented on February 11, 2020, to the Georgia Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts.
- Co-panelist with Richard Hunt, Esq., Sorting out Internet Accessibility and the World of ADA Compliance11912111867160159163164164166166165, an ABA webinar to be presented February 11, 2020, Atlanta, Georgia.
- ADA Compliance and Website Accessibility, presented as a two hour webinar for LawPracticeCLE on November 19, 2019, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Co-panelist: Self-Evaluation and Transition Plans, presented to the GA State ADA Coordinator conference held at the Georgia aquarium on October 31, 2019.
- Effective Communications Under title II of the ADA, presented to the GA State ADA Coordinator conference held at the Georgia aquarium on October 31, 2019.
- Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals: Just What are the Rules?, Presented at the Animal Protection Conference and Expo, October 19, 2019, in Alpharetta, Georgia.
- Hot Issues in title I of the ADA, presented to SHRM-MN, Rochester, Minnesota, October 13, 2019.
- Selected Topics in ADA Compliance for the Judiciary, presented to the Municipal Court Judge’s Law and Practice Update seminar in Buford, Georgia, on October 3, 2019.
- Applications of the ADA in Magistrate Courts, presented at the magistrate training conference on September 12, 2019, in Athens, Georgia.
- Panelist, The ADA and Internet accessibility, presented July 16, 2019, as part of a Massachusetts CLE offering.
- Co-Panelist, The ADA and the Internet, presented in Dallas, Texas as a webinar put on by MyLawCLE on June 26, 2019.
- Co-Panelist, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Mysteries of the ADA, FHA, and the ACAA, presented in Dallas, Texas as a webinar put on by MyLawCLE on June 26, 2019.
- School Safety and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: What You Need to Know, Presented at the Federal Bar Association’s Civil Rights Etoufee CLE in New Orleans, Louisiana on February 15, 2019.
- Ensuring Access to Justice: Courtroom Considerations for Individuals with Disabilities (service dogs, effective communication, judicial rules of conduct, and judicial ethics), Presented to the Municipal Court Judge’s Law and Practice Update seminar in Athens, Georgia, on October 4, 2018.
- Panelist, Implicit Bias in the Courtroom, Presented to the Municipal Court Judge’s Law and Practice Update seminar in Athens, Georgia, on October 4, 2018.
- Don’t Let the ABA Bite You: Managing Your ADA Compliance Risks (service dogs, effective communication, transgender and ADA/title VII, and selected other issues), Presented August 9, 2018 as an ABA Law Practice Section webinar.
- Hot issues in title II of the ADA (service dogs, effective communication, and implicit bias), presented to the Municipal Court Judge’s Law and Practice Update seminar in Savannah Georgia, June 21, 2018.
- Hot Issues in title I of the ADA, presented at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Government, May 11, 2018.
- Critical Issues in Title II of the ADA, presented at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Government, May 11, 2018.
- Just How Does the ADA Impacts Your Law Practice? You Will Be Surprised, presented as an ABA Law Practice Section webinar, April 24, 2018.
- Endrew, Fry, and Service Dogs, presented October 18, 2017, to the Young Lawyers Division of the Georgia State Bar, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Panelist and Moderator, ADA Hot Issues: Labor and Employment Version, presented September 14, 2017 at the annual Federal Bar Association convention, Atlanta, Georgia.
- An Overview of the ADA and Hot Issues, presented September 7, 2017, to Professor C. Talley Wells Olmstead Disability Rights Clinic class at Georgia State University Law School.
- ADA Hot Issues: Essential Function, Reassignment, and Technology, presented July 19, 2017 as a webinar for Avant Resources, http://www.avantresources.com/training/live-online-classes/ada-hot-employment-issues-detail12012211968161160164165165167167166 .
- An Overview of the ADA, presented September 15, 2016, to Professor C. Talley Wells Olmstead Disability Rights Clinic class at Georgia State University Law School.
- ADA Hot Issues in Employment: Essential Functions, Attendance, and Reassignment, Presented July 19, 2016, as a webinar for the Institute of Continuing Legal Education of the State Bar of Georgia.
- Let’s Count the Ways the ADA Impacts Your Law Practice, Presented as a brown bag webinar for ABA GPSolo Section , http://www.americanbar.org/groups/gpsolo/events_cle/brown_bag_sessions/hot-off-the-press.html12112312069162161165166166168168167, and repeated at March 2016 Solo Small firm section luncheon of Atlanta Bar Association.
- Hot Issues: Pregnancy, Reassignment, and Legal Issues of Buying Inaccessible Technology, Presented as an Avant Resources Webinar, http://www.avantresources.com/store/ada-hot-issues-detail12212412170163162166167167169169168
- “What the GP Solo Practitioner Needs to Know about the ADA beyond Employment,” presented at the American Bar Association national convention of GP solo and small firm practitioners, Lexington, Kentucky, October 4, 2013.
- “Americans with Disabilities Act and Legal Malpractice,” an Illinois State Bar Association CLE to be presented in Chicago, Illinois, on September 28, 2012.
- Co-Panelist, the Americans With Disabilities Act: an Overview, an Illinois State Bar Association CLE presented in Chicago, Illinois, on September 28, 2012.
- Co-Panelist, the ADA: Emerging Issues, an Illinois State Bar Association CLE presented in Chicago, Illinois, on September 28, 2012.
- “Mixed Motive and the ADA: Is it dead after Gross v. FBL Financial Services?,” presented to the DuPage County Bar Association labor and employment section, May 2012.
- “The Americans With Disabilities Act and Its Amendments and How It Affects the Postsecondary Public Institution12312512271164163167168168170170169,” presented for faculty development day, March 31, 2011.
- “The Americans with Disabilities Act and Hot Issues You Should Be Aware Of,” presented as panelist, American Bar Association teleconference, February 23, 2011.
- “The Americans with Disabilities Act and its Amendments: Hot Issues and Things to Watch For” to be presented as a panelist to the DuPage County Bar Association May 5, 2011.
- “The Amendments to the Americans With Disabilities Act12412612372165164168169169171171170,” Hot Topics, and Trends,” presented to Civil Practice Committee of the DuPage County Bar Association, April 2010.
- “The Amendments to the Americans With Disabilities Act,” Hot Employment Topics, and Trends,” presented as a CLE to be distributed by Apex Corporation, March 2010.
- “The Amendments to the Americans With Disabilities Act,” presented to the Chicago Bar Association’s labor and employment committee, March 2010.