Today’s blog entry comes to me courtesy of Prof. Leonard Sandler, a clinical law professor at the University of Iowa. He sent me the case of Goldup v. Casino decided by the United States District Court for the Southern District of California on January 31, 2025. There are two aspects of the case, which can

Before getting started on the blog entry of the week (I had a few hours to myself and I find writing blog entries relaxing, NK), I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, happy holidays, and a happy new year.

In 2015, Department of Justice issued a guidance entitled, “frequently asked questions about

I started writing this blog on election day, which turned out to be very interesting by the end of it with President Trump winning both the popular and electoral votes. Of course, the next question is what does that election mean for persons with disabilities. We don’t know, but a few immediate thoughts come to

When it comes to the ADA, there are three possible kinds of lawsuits. First, disparate treatment. Second, failure to accommodate. Third, disparate impact. You don’t see a lot of disparate impact cases. As a result, I thought it would be useful to blog on a decision dealing with the disparate impact issue. Our case of

I hope everyone is getting back into the swing of the new year. Next week, I will be visiting my daughter in between January term and second semester. I will be here Monday but leave Tuesday and back Friday. So, I am not sure of the timing of the blog entry for next week. This

It has been a while since I blogged on the EEOC running Covid-19 guidance. The EEOC just came out with some more updates (it very well could be the last one for a while considering Covid-19 is now endemic), so I thought I would return to it. The blog entry is only going to focus

I was alerted to today’s case, Bledsoe v. Tennessee Valley Authority Board of Directors, a published decision from the Sixth Circuit decided on July 27, 2022, by Jon Hyman, the person behind the Ohio Employers’ Law Blog, who blogged on the case here. As is often the case, I don’t mind blogging on