Before getting started on the blog entry of the day, I wanted to mention a decision decided by the California Supreme Court on July 29, 2024, here. In that case, Bailey v. San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, the California Supreme Court held that: hostile work environment must be viewed in the totality of circumstances;

I hope those that celebrated had a happy Hanukkah. Merry Christmas, happy new year, and happy holidays to everyone.

Today’s blog entry is my top 11 or so for the year. As is my past practice, I have included important blog entries that do not make the list . Most of those though were

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend. Today’s blog entry goes to the dogs literally. The blog entry talks about two different cases involving service animals and how the court system deals with them. My thanks to Prof. Leonard Sandler, clinical law professor at the University of Iowa Law School for sending along the

Today’s blog entry will discuss the oral argument in Acheson Hotels v. Laufer, which took place on October 4, 2023. We previously mentioned the appellate case here (links to the blog entries therein). The two categories of this blog entry are questions from the Justices and thoughts/takeaways. Of course, the reader is free to focus

We have been on a bit of a roll discussing standing lately, so I thought why not continue it, albeit with a different law. Today, let’s look at the Fair Housing Act (FHA). The case of the day is Brown v. Suri Hurley, LLC, here, from the Eastern District of California cited on June