I hope everyone had a good weekend. I just got back from the Federal Bar Association national convention in Kansas City, which was fabulous. I was part of a fantastic panel speaking on policing and persons with disabilities. In particular, we talked about a lot of different things. My part focused on why Graham v.

Did you know that asthma might not be a disability? How is that even possible? After all, asthma is certainly a physical impairment that limits breathing and the immune system. Even so, the Sixth Circuit in Andrews v. Tri-Star Sports and Entertainment Group, Inc., here, on August 21, 2024, said that a plaintiff’s asthma

I hope everyone had a happy holiday weekend. In many places around the world, today is also a holiday as it is Easter Monday.

On April 7, 2023, the Seventh Circuit came down with a decision discussing the de minimis rule when it comes to accommodating an employee’s religious needs. I got to thinking

Today’s blog entry is a case from the Eastern District of New York, Martinez v. Gutsy LLC, here, which makes the case for why standalone websites can be a place of public accommodation providing that site is functioning for one of the purposes laid out in 42 U.S.C. §12181(7).

Once again, a person