Today’s blog entry is my yearly wrap up of the most popular blog entries for 2022. As I always do, there are some additional blog entries that I keep in the greatest hits category due to what I believe is their significance even though they may not be the most popular. With respect to the

Covid-19, Virus, Coronavirus, Pandemic


Everything is about the coronavirus both in our personal lives and in our professional lives. You can find several excellent blog entries on the coronavirus from people in my blog roll, such as but not limited to Jon Hyman and Eric Meyer. I saw the other day that OSHA has weighed in as well.


Too big, So, no.


Not common household animal; must show, “substantial burden.” So, who knows.

Animal, Attractive, Beautiful, Boy

Yes as this is a gerbil (Photo by Jared Belson, ).

Turtles, Reptile, Tortoise Shell, Animal


Last week, I had the privilege of attending and speaking at the Accessibility Professionals Association conference in Round Rock, Texas. I learned a lot at

Chicago Pizza NOT Domino’s:-)

Before getting started on the blog of the week, a couple of housekeeping matters are in order. First, I am delighted that you have decided to visit my blog on my birthday (October 8). For trivia nuts, it is also the anniversary of the great Chicago fire.

Before getting started on the blog of the week, some housekeeping matters. First, my blog was late this week. My daughter came home from camp on Monday, and so my time is different than it usually is. Second, starting tomorrow, my family will be in Chicago visiting both sides of the family. So,