It is that time of the year for the greatest hits of 2024. The greatest hits section of the blog contains the top 10 for the year as well as certain other blog entries that are not in the top 10, but I feel are very important to know are out there. Here goes the

On Friday of last week, I presented to the Minnesota CLE Health Law Institute in Minneapolis on working with disabled clients and disabled attorneys. One of the cases that came up is the one that we are going to be talking about this week, Battle v. state of Tennessee, here, decided by the Middle

I hope those that celebrated had a happy Hanukkah. Merry Christmas, happy new year, and happy holidays to everyone.

Today’s blog entry is my top 11 or so for the year. As is my past practice, I have included important blog entries that do not make the list . Most of those though were

Before we get to the blog entry of the week, a housekeeping matter. I will be out of the office from Friday evening and returning late Tuesday. So, a blog entry for the week after this will come up later in that week rather than earlier to middle of the week as is usually the

Today’s blog entry is a discussion of two related cases. The comes from the first case comes out of the 11th Circuit. It is Behr v. Campbell, here, and it discusses the Rooker-Feldman doctrine. That decision is a published decision decided on August 12, 2021. The second decision is Lund v. Cowan,