It is that time of the year for the greatest hits of 2024. The greatest hits section of the blog contains the top 10 for the year as well as certain other blog entries that are not in the top 10, but I feel are very important to know are out there. Here goes the
collective bargaining
2023 Understanding the ADA Greatest Hits
I hope those that celebrated had a happy Hanukkah. Merry Christmas, happy new year, and happy holidays to everyone.
Today’s blog entry is my top 11 or so for the year. As is my past practice, I have included important blog entries that do not make the list . Most of those though were…
The intersection of the ADA with the NFL
Things have been absolutely crazy this week between client matters, the Jewish new year, and speaking engagements. I do want to wish everyone celebrating a happy new year. As everyone knows, I have a very strong interest in the intersection of the ADA and sports. In the very first edition of my book, which…
Shaquem Williams, NFL, and the ADA
I was trying to figure out what to blog on this week. I had various possibilities in mind, but for one reason or the other I rejected each of them, though one of them I put back in my pipeline. As everyone knows, the ADA and professional sports has long been an interest of mine.…
Job Related, Business Necessity, Direct Threat at the CEO level
When it comes to blog entries, sometimes, I have a pipeline of cases to discuss. Sometimes, I have to search for a case to discuss. Sometimes, a news item comes up bearing discussing. As of now, cases in my pipeline include: standing under title III of the ADA; a tour de force on why Internet…
ADA can trump collective bargaining agreement
The terms of a collective bargaining agreement can play a critical role in analyzing the rights of the parties. For example, in a previous blog, the terms of the collective bargaining agreement played a critical role in the court allowing for random drug testing of current employees. That said, when it comes to collective…
Is reassignment mandatory revisited
In a prior blog entry, I discussed a case where the Seventh Circuit was faced with the question as to whether the ADA mandated reassignment or whether competitive bidding would suffice in order to comply with the ADA. That particular case, as discussed previously in this blog, held that prior Seventh Circuit precedent…