Before getting started on the blog entry of the day, I will be out of town not this week, but the week after this week. So, I am not sure if I will get a blog entry up for the next week. I would have to do it next Sunday, but I will also be
Tynes v. Florida Department of juvenile Justice
But For Causation and Motivating Factor are Two Different Things
I have been absolutely slammed this week, which is why I am so late in getting a blog entry up for the week. Before getting started on the blog entry for the day, I do want to mention that the Department of Justice has now issued a final rule on website accessibility involving Title II…
Court Says Reasonable Accommodation Request Must Relate to Essential Job Functions, But Did it Really Have to Draw That Conclusion?
Today’s blog entry is one of those situations where I read a case and asked myself whether the court could have gotten to the same place more elegantly than the way it did. The case of the day is Bruno v. Chasity Wells-Armstrong, here, decided by the Seventh Circuit on February 23, 2024. As…
Murray v. UBS Securities and its Possible Impact Upon ADA Jurisprudence
The blog entry for the week is actually not an ADA case at all but it may have a substantial impact on the ADA universe. The case of the day is Murray v. UBS securities, LLC, a unanimous decision written by Justice Sotomayor, from the Supreme Court decided on February 8, 2024, here. It…
Convincing Mosaic as a Standard for Deciding Summary Judgment Motions Arrives
I hope everyone is getting back into the swing of the new year. Next week, I will be visiting my daughter in between January term and second semester. I will be here Monday but leave Tuesday and back Friday. So, I am not sure of the timing of the blog entry for next week. This…