When Cummings v. Premier Rehab Keller was decided, discussed here, it was inevitable that eventually courts would start addressing the issue of whether Title II of the ADA allows for emotional distress damages. During Cummings oral argument, a couple of the Justices anticipated that, and court decisions are beginning to come on this issue. The

I would say about 10% of my blog entries deal with ADA related nondiscrimination laws and concepts but not the ADA itself, including such things as the Fair Housing Act, Air Carrier Access Act, and constitutional law. Occasionally, we throw in a state law as well. Today is another one of those, the, Affordable Care

Covid-19, Virus, Coronavirus, Pandemic


Everything is about the coronavirus both in our personal lives and in our professional lives. You can find several excellent blog entries on the coronavirus from people in my blog roll, such as but not limited to Jon Hyman and Eric Meyer. I saw the other day that OSHA has weighed in as well.


Too big, So, no.


Not common household animal; must show, “substantial burden.” So, who knows.

Animal, Attractive, Beautiful, Boy

Yes as this is a gerbil (Photo by Jared Belson, https://pestpush.com ).

Turtles, Reptile, Tortoise Shell, Animal


Last week, I had the privilege of attending and speaking at the Accessibility Professionals Association conference in Round Rock, Texas. I learned a lot at

Happy new year everybody. Hope everybody enjoyed their holiday and is now raring to get back to work. Just to give everybody a heads up, the week of January 28 and February 3 may not see a blog entry for me at all. During those two weeks, I will be testifying in two different trials

It is time for my annual greatest hits blog entries of the year. Before getting to the greatest hits blog entries of the year, a few blog entries are so important that they make it every year regardless of where they fit in the greatest rankings. Those blog entries are: ADA compliance in higher education,