This week’s blog entry is a how to for what NOT to do if you are a business faced with an accommodation request. The case of the day is Patterson v. Six Flags Theme Parks, Inc., here, decided on November 15, 2024, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California.
McCray v. Wilkie
Just What Does Interference Actually Mean?
Before getting started on the blog entry of the week, I want to congratulate the United States Soccer Men’s National Team on a valiant effort at the World Cup. Hopefully, a harbinger of good things to come. Also, things in Georgia are a bit bonkers at the moment. UGA is a number one seed in…
Preventive Law Demands Accommodating the Disability and not the Essential Functions of the Job
An emerging issue is whether when it comes to accommodating a person with a disability in an employment situation, are you accommodating the disability or are you accommodating the essential functions of the job. The easy scenario where that matters is when dealing with an employee with a service dog. Recently, Hobby Lobby was sued…
Unreasonable Delay in Granting a Reasonable Accommodation Request is Actionable
What if an entity slow walks the reasonable accommodation process with the hope that the person with the disability will, for example, graduate, age out of the program, simply go away? Is an unreasonable delay in granting a reasonable accommodation actionable under the ADA? Two cases out of the jurisdiction of the Seventh Circuit say…
Judge Amy Coney Barrett and Persons with Disabilities
Before getting started on the blog entry of the day, I wanted to wish everyone with teams in the baseball playoffs good luck. I actually have three teams in the baseball playoffs: brave; cubs; and White Sox. No, I am not watching nine hours of baseball today, but I am recording all three of my…
Unreasonable Delay in Granting a Reasonable Accommodation is Actionable Under the ADA
Before starting our blog entry, two lions of the civil rights movement passed away on the same day recently. C.T. Vivian and John Lewis. John Lewis happened to be the person who represented me in the U.S. Congress. Georgia Democrats have selected the Georgia state Democratic Party chair, GA State Sen., Nikema Williams, as his…