Happy new year everybody. Hope everybody enjoyed their holiday and is now raring to get back to work. Just to give everybody a heads up, the week of January 28 and February 3 may not see a blog entry for me at all. During those two weeks, I will be testifying in two different trials

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving week and did not have too hard of a time getting the kids back to school.

Today’s blog entry is going to discuss a couple of cases dealing with standing. In the first, we will discuss standing with respect to physical stores. In the second, we will discuss

Before getting started on our blog entry of the week, good luck to the Houston Astros and the Washington Nationals in the World Series starting tonight. Turning to the blog entry of the week, I really really struggled with what to blog on this week. It wasn’t for lack of cases in my pipeline, I

I have a few cases in my pipeline, but there was never any question as to what this week’s blog entry was going to be on. Considering that the House of Representatives passed HR 620 and the Internet has lit up with it, blogging on HR 620 was the only choice for this week. As

This week’s blog entry is a twofer. First, is there a notice requirement to state entities where the state has an antidiscrimination law and a person wants to sue under title III of the ADA? Second, a case discussing that the line between product accessibility and service accessibility is not always so clear. That particular

Before moving on to the post of the week, you will notice that the blog has a new look and feel. I upgraded the blog so that it is better able to be used on mobile devices and more importantly the upgrade increases its ability to be accessible. Besides the look, you will see that

As is my practice, I have divided this blog entry into four parts: the facts of the case; the issues; the court’s reasoning; and the takeaways. Feel free to read some or all of the blog entry.

Consider the following:


Person has a favorite restaurant. Subsequently, he is involved in an accident and