Before getting started on the blog entry of the day, HUD has asked for public comments on amending their §504 regulations. See here. The public comments will serve as the basis for a proposed rule. Comments are due July 24, 2023.

Today’s case is Ambrose v. St. Johns County School Board, here,

Sometimes I just don’t know until the last minute as to what case I will blog on for the week. I originally thought I would blog on a religious accommodation case. Then, this morning I saw a Fifth Circuit decision involving mandatory reassignment. Right when I was finishing up reading that decision, I saw an

Can a single person cause a split among the US Court of Appeals all by herself? The answer in the case of Debra Laufer is absolutely. Today’s blog entry explores the published decision, here, from the Fourth Circuit on February 15, 2023 holding that Laufer has standing to pursue her case against a hotel

I would say about 10% of my blog entries deal with ADA related nondiscrimination laws and concepts but not the ADA itself, including such things as the Fair Housing Act, Air Carrier Access Act, and constitutional law. Occasionally, we throw in a state law as well. Today is another one of those, the, Affordable Care

Next week, my daughter is on break. She has one of those schedules where they are on for six weeks and then off for one week. They do get two weeks for winter vacation. So, since my schedule is likely to be all over the place next week, I thought I would do another blog

Before we get started on the blog entry of the day, a couple of housekeeping matters are in order. First, you may be wondering why my website/blog site and my professional email went down last week. The company that was hosting my website was bought out by another company, and there were some mechanical things

Previously, I have written on whether you can get compensatory and punitive damages in ADA retaliation claims. That particular blog entry despite its title was restricted to title I claims of the ADA. That is, claims arising from employment. But what about title II claims of the ADA. That is, a retaliation claim arising from