Today’s case is a twofer. That is, we are going to talk about two different cases, both dealing with the interactive process and essential functions of the job. The first case is an unpublished decision from the 11th Circuit, Kassa v. Synovus Financial Corporation, decided February 3, 2020. The second case is Seward
11th circuit
ADA Pleading Tips
Happy new year everybody. Hope everybody enjoyed their holiday and is now raring to get back to work. Just to give everybody a heads up, the week of January 28 and February 3 may not see a blog entry for me at all. During those two weeks, I will be testifying in two different trials…
Shell Reversed on Appeal
Before getting started on the blog entry of the week, I want to congratulate the Washington Nationals on their World Series victory where for the first time, a road team won every single game. Congratulations. I will be very curious to see whether the Washington nationals go to the White House. As everyone knows, a…
DOJ can enforce title II of the ADA for now
Next week, my daughter is on break. She has one of those schedules where they are on for six weeks and then off for one week. They do get two weeks for winter vacation. So, since my schedule is likely to be all over the place next week, I thought I would do another blog…
Gati and Lewis Appellate Decisions
Baseball season is about to get up and running. Good luck on your team for this year. In my case: the Chicago Cubs are expected to be good; the Chicago White Sox not so good; and the Atlanta Braves, anybody’s guess. Also, hope everyone is having fun if not success with the NCAA tournament. Currently,…
Can DOJ Enforce Title II of the ADA Redux
Previously, we discussed in this blog entry a case out of the Southern District of Florida holding that DOJ had no authority to enforce on its own title II of the ADA. That decision laid out the case against DOJ having independent title II enforcement. However, I thought it would be interesting to discuss…
Mandatory Reassignment yet Again, Rule 59(E), EEOC Legal Malpractice?, And Other Matters
I know I said that last week’s blog entry would be my last substantive blog entry of the year, but events can always happen to change my mind. Recently, the 11th Circuit came down with a published decision on December 7, 2016, in EEOC v. St. Joseph’s Hospital, Inc. , which has several issues…
You Can Find ADA Concepts Almost Anywhere: the Intersection of the Fair Housing Act and the ADA
Before we get started on this week’s blog entry, a couple of other matters to note. First, if you have not already checked it out, the Employment Law blog carnival from last month is worth a read. The Employment Law blog carnival comes out once a month from a different blogger and for those in…
A triple play: does title you sue under with respect to a retaliation claim depend upon subject or context; compliance expert testimony in ADA cases; and catspaw
This particular blog entry deals with three different topics all contained within the same case. The case is Powell v. Valdosta City School District, 2014 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 157158 (M.D. GA November 6, 2014). As is my usual, I have divided the blog entries into categories: facts, issues, holdings, court’s reasoning, and takeaways. The…
ADA and prisons
Just what is the exposure to prisons with respect to discriminating against prisoners with disabilities? Prisons have several areas of exposure. First, if a prisoner is employed by the prison and suffers discrimination on the basis of a disability with respect to that employment, title I is involved. Second, the programs and activities of the…