In a previous blog entry, I discussed the case of the National Association of the Deaf v. Harvard University. That particular blog entry talked about the magistrate judge denying Harvard’s motion to dismiss. Subsequently, Harvard filed a motion for judgment on the pleadings. On March 28, 2019, the magistrate judge, Katherine Robertson, denied and
website accessibility
Standing in Cyberspace and Other Issues
Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization Act and Separate but Equal will not Fly with the Department of Transportation
First off, I want to wish everyone a happy new year! Hope everyone had a happy and safe new year. Back to the grind for all of us and back to school for our kids. Before moving on to the blog entry of the week, a lot has happened over the last two weeks. The…
What’s a Nexus Anyway?
As I have mentioned before, I am not afraid to blog on cases discussed by fellow bloggers. Recently, Richard Hunt, whose blog appears on my blog roll, discussed a whole bunch of cases. Many of those cases I have put in my to blog pipeline, and two of which are the subject of today’s blog.…
In the Middle District of Florida, Curiosity isn’t Enough to get by a Motion to Dismiss When it Comes to Website Accessibility
Yesterday, I celebrated my birthday. It turns out that both my wife and my daughter had the day off. So, I got some time with the family and some alone time, including watching the Braves lose unfortunately. Still, a great season for the Braves. If you still have a team in the hunt, good luck!…
11th Circuit speaks on Website Accessibility and the ADA
My daughter started high school today! City Schools of Decatur always start school on August 1. They operate on a six weeks on and one week off system with two months for summer vacation. They also get two weeks for Christmas. It took some getting used to, but I like it, and the kids appreciate…
Regulatory Developments
I know I said that I would not be blogging until after the new year started. However, my wife and daughter are hanging out with lunch and a trip to Bed Bath & Beyond. Since we are Jewish, one could ask why we would be making a trip to Bed Bath & Beyond two days…
Countering Defenses to Website Accessibility Motion to Dismiss
I know I promised that I would not have a blog this week. However, with the bat mitzvah a week from today, I am going out of my mind. Believe it or not, blogging relaxes me. Also, my wife and daughter are out shopping for the bat mitzvah leaving me alone with my miniature poodle.…
Website Accessibility Case Goes to Verdict and it is Not in Favor of Defendant
Many blog sites, such as this one which appears in my blogroll, are reporting on a website accessibility case that went to verdict and found in favor of the plaintiff. The case is Gill v. Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc., 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 90204 (S.D. Fla. June 13, 2017). As is usual, the case is…
This is Outrageous! April Fools:-)
This is just outrageous!* People shouldn’t say these things, such as:**
- “I’m not going to change anything with respect to IEP’s. After all, appropriate progress means anything you want it to mean.”
- “Since I don’t want your money, I can do what I want.”
- “A cool website is more important than an accessible website.