It is time for the top 10 of 2016. For the most part, the greatest hits stayed the same during the course of the whole year. I believe I updated the greatest hits at the end of the first quarter of this year and then did not do so after that. There were only two
Service dogs
Service Dogs And Emotional Support Animals with Respect to Title I of the ADA (Employment)
Before getting started on the blog entry of the day, I would be remiss if I didn’t note that the Cubs are back in it! Winning two games against a very tough Cleveland team in Cleveland with a likely Hall of Fame manager is going to be very tough. Go Cubs!
Last week, a person…
The List of 2015 Most Visited Understanding the ADA blog entries
First off, I hope for those who celebrate Hanukkah that it was a festive and happy one. For those who have Christmas and other holidays upcoming, good luck on your shopping and have a great holiday! When you need a break from the holiday mishigas (Yiddish for craziness), the latest employment Law blog carnival is…
Frequently Asked Questions about Service Animals and the ADA (Guidance from the DOJ)
Recently, the Department of Justice issued a guidance entitled, “frequently asked questions about service animals and the ADA,” which can be found here. I thought I would go over and highlight some of the questions discussed in the guidance, especially since service animals v. therapy dogs blog entry of mine consistently ranks as one…
Breed restrictions R.I.P.?
This is my 100th blog entry! Wow!! Many thanks to all of you!!!
Previously, I have had several entries dealing with service dogs. In the first, we talked about what was a service dog and what was not. In the second, we talked about the regulations of the Department of Justice on service dogs…
Service Dogs Redux: the Texas approach
Without exception, or maybe a rare one, every day my blog entry on service dogs and the Department of Justice regulations dealing with them with respect to title II and title III entities, gets at least one visit from someone. That blog entry deals with the federal approach to service dogs with respect to title…
Service dogs and the Department of Justice regulations: can they be challenge successfully?
In a comment to the service dog v. therapy dog blog entry, I promised that I would follow-up with an exploration of whether the Department of Justice regulations with respect to service dogs and how they differ from therapy dogs and the corresponding difference in treatment with respect to the ADA, would survive a challenge…