I always assumed that a dog satisfying the definitions of a service animal under the DOJ final regulations for title II and title III of the ADA would have to be automatically allowed by an employer where the employee has a service dog satisfying that definition. At least in the Eighth Circuit, that isn’t the

my service animal while practicing virtually.

Before we get started on the blog of the week, I hope everybody had a happy Easter and a successful Passover. Also, there should be a really good men’s basketball game tonight. There was a really good women’s basketball game yesterday. I am assuming


On a plane? If it ever was…Not anymore.
On a plane? Yes. 


Miniature horse
yes to non-federal governmental entities; yes to places of public accommodations; but not on planes.

Previously, the Department of Transportation came out with proposed regulations on service animals, here121230180118219189696969197


Too big, So, no.


Not common household animal; must show, “substantial burden.” So, who knows.

Animal, Attractive, Beautiful, Boy

Yes as this is a gerbil (Photo by Jared Belson, https://pestpush.com ).

Turtles, Reptile, Tortoise Shell, Animal


Last week, I had the privilege of attending and speaking at the Accessibility Professionals Association conference in Round Rock, Texas. I learned a lot at