Today’s blog entry explores the question of when does a statute of limitations begin to run in an ADA case not dealing with a failure to accommodate. It also explores the question what might an ADA grievance procedure look like. Our case of the day is Endres v. Northeastern Ohio Medical University decided by the
qualified immunity
How is Fry playing out in the lower courts?
In searching for a blog entry to do this week and striking out with my Lexis alert, I thought it might be interesting to see how Fry v. Napoleon Community Schools, discussed here, was playing out in the lower courts. When I did that, I came across the case of K.G. v. Bluff-Luton Community School …
Compliance with the ADA When Arresting and Qualified Immunity
Today’s case discusses the issue of just when is an arrest out of compliance with the ADA. There is also a nice little bonus of qualified immunity as well. The case is Trujillo v. Rio Arriba County ex rel. Rio Arriba County Sheriff’s Department, 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 96797 (D. N.M. June 15, 2016).…
City and County of San Francisco, California v. Sheehan Decided
Previously, I have blogged on the Sheehan case and its oral argument before the United States Supreme Court. Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court came down with the decision in this case, which can be found here:
As expected, they decided with respect to the ADA matter, that the writ of certiorari had been…
Sheehan Oral Argument; This one is Wild
Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court heard oral argument (the transcript can be found here), in Sheehan v. City and County of San Francisco, which I discussed in this blog entry. I’ve got to admit that this argument did not go anyway along the lines that I thought it would and here is…
Police liability for ADA/fourth amendment violations comes to the Supreme Court
It has been awhile since the United States Supreme Court dealt with an ADA question. A fact I am happy with as predicting what the United States Supreme Court does with an ADA question is impossible since the ADA does not break down along traditional liberal conservative lines.
This particular blog entry focuses on a…
Police liability redux: ADA, Excessive Force, failure to intervene
I have been blogging now for almost 3 years. We recently passed the 50,000 views mark. Thanks!! The holy grail of legal blogs is the American Bar Association Blawg 100. They are taking nominations now and the deadline is August 8. The nomination form can be found here. If you really like what you…
ADA and prisons
Just what is the exposure to prisons with respect to discriminating against prisoners with disabilities? Prisons have several areas of exposure. First, if a prisoner is employed by the prison and suffers discrimination on the basis of a disability with respect to that employment, title I is involved. Second, the programs and activities of the…