Last week, the Department of Justice came down with their final regulations implementing the amendments to the ADA with respect to title II and title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I had previously written on these proposed regulations back in February 2014, and so I thought it would be a good idea to
mitigating measures
Bet You Didn’t Know That Alberson’s v. Kirkingburg Was Still Good Law
Today’s case, Bibber v. National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiner, Inc., a decision that came down April 11, 2016, from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania is ostensibly about one thing but turns out to be about something else. That is, it raises the real question as to whether Albertson’s…
The Double Whammy of Pregnancy and Disability after Young v. UPS: EEOC Steps in
This is an update to the blog entry that I previously posted. I am revising it because upon further review, it is NFL season after all (Go Falcons!; Go Cubs too!), I realized that confusion was created over when the amendments to the ADA went into effect versus when the final regulations of the ADA…
If This Decision Holds, Game Changer: Applicable Statute of Limitation for ADA Claims Redux
One of the publications that I subscribe to is Disability Compliance for Higher Education . It is an excellent publication for anyone involved with ADA compliance in higher education. Its audience is mainly University 504 and ADA coordinators, University administrators, and professors. One of the cases it featured in its most recent publication…
Belton v. Georgia settles with a consent decree
In a previous blog entry entitled help-wanted ASL practitioners, I discussed the case of Belton v. Georgia. On October 3, 2014 that case settled with a consent decree. I thought it would be helpful to cover some of the salient points of the consent decree. They are as follows:
Definitional Terms:
1. A deaf…
IDEA Exhaustion, Attorneys Fees, and Applicable Statute of Limitations
Normally, when I am putting together a blog entry, what I do is that I find an interesting case that comes out during the week and then: analyze that case; discuss the court’s reasoning and my take on it; and then offer takeaways. This week I did see a case that met that criteria (it…
DOJ regulations implementing title II and title III of the ADA amendments act: where’s the impact?
Last week, the Department of Justice proposed rules implementing title II and title III of the ADA in light of the amendments to the ADA. I’m not going to go into depth here, but I thought I’d go over some particularly significant items in the proposed rule. Of course, what follows is not comprehensive and…
ADA and the Applicable Statute of Limitations
The whole idea of the statute of limitations is to prevent stale claims. Just about everything has a statute of limitations (the only two exceptions that I can think of our claims arising under USERRA and capital murder claims). The ADA does have statute of limitations to deal with, though it is not stated in…
LSAT and Title III discrimination
Anybody that wants to go to law school must take the LSAT, law school admission test sponsored by the law school admission Council (LSAC) . The LSAT is a standardized test consisting of 100 multiple-choice questions ( Binno v. American Bar Association, 2012 WL 4513617, *1 (E.D. Mich. September 30, 2012)), divided into five…