Today’s blog entry talks about a case that is not an ADA case at all. However, I do expect the case to have a huge impact on a particular area of ADA jurisprudence. As we know, such as discussed here, there has been considerable debate in the courts over whether failure to accommodate cases

One of the more fascinating areas of law, is the issue arising when a parochial school claims that an educator is a minister. We discussed that issue way back in 2012 in this blog entry. While the Supreme Court there said that a minister was involved, it couldn’t figure out the standard to use.

Sometimes a case can have a huge impact on the ADA universe even though it is not an ADA case at all. Gross v. FBL Financial Services 557 U.S. 167 (2009) is one such case and today’s case is another. As is my usual practice, the blog entry has been divided into several