Before getting started on the blog entry of the week, I wanted to give everyone a heads up as to the blogging schedule for the rest of the calendar year. My daughter comes home for a three week break on December 13, so we have this blog this week. I will also have a blog
Title III
Courts Going to the Dogs
I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend. Today’s blog entry goes to the dogs literally. The blog entry talks about two different cases involving service animals and how the court system deals with them. My thanks to Prof. Leonard Sandler, clinical law professor at the University of Iowa Law School for sending along the…
Kiosk Inaccessibility With a Twist
Previously, I have blogged on the inaccessibility of kiosks. Both of those blog entries, here and here, discussed whether the kiosk was a place of public accommodation. The case of the day, Vargas v. Quest Diagnostics Clinical Laboratories, here, is a bit different. In this case, you have a place that operates to…
Does Title I of the ADA Apply When the Plaintiff is no Longer Qualified/Otherwise Qualified?
Today’s blog entry is not on an issue that I have blogged on previously. It deals with the question of what happens when a person leaves employment and was otherwise qualified during that employment, but after the employment ends, some discriminatory action occurs. Does title I apply since the person is no longer otherwise qualified/qualified?…
Absent a Gateway to a Physical Place, is an Internet Site Subject to Title III of the ADA: The View From Both Sides of the Argument
The blog entry for the week is getting posted a bit later than usual because my daughter came home for a short fall break and went back yesterday. Today’s blog entry is a published decision from the Court of Appeals of the State of California, Fourth Appellate District,…
Laufer Supreme Court Oral Argument
Today’s blog entry will discuss the oral argument in Acheson Hotels v. Laufer, which took place on October 4, 2023. We previously mentioned the appellate case here (links to the blog entries therein). The two categories of this blog entry are questions from the Justices and thoughts/takeaways. Of course, the reader is free to focus…
Eligibility Criteria, Direct Threat, and the Necessity Exception
It has been a while since I blogged on the ADA with respect to amusement parks. On July 7, 2023, the 11th Circuit in a published decision came down with a case discussing the ADA with respect to amusement parks. Among the topics discussed are the screen out provisions and direct threat. The case…
DOJ Weighs in on Laufer and says Laufer loses
Before getting started on the blog for the week, I wanted to let everyone know that the ABA Law Practice Today just published my article entitled AI and Persons with Disabilities: the Good and the Bad. It can be found here.
Last week, we discussed Acheson Hotels brief in the Laufer case. Also…
At the Supreme Court: Talevski and Laufer
Today’s blog entry deals with a couple of goings-on at the United States Supreme Court. The first is the Supreme Court decision in Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County v. Talevski, here. In this case, the Supreme Court, in a 7-2 decision, held that violations of the federal law dealing with nursing home…
Kansas HB 2016
Recently, the governor of Kansas signed House Bill 2016 giving the Kansas Atty. Gen. all kinds of authority to jump in on lawsuits involving website accessibility, and possibly accessibility in general, if the defendant is a Kansas resident or a Kansas Corporation. I see all kinds of problems with this bill and thought it would…