A couple of housekeeping matters before getting started on the blog of the week. First, I hope everybody had a happy Thanksgiving weekend. We kept ours small with lots of food. Second, I expect one more substantive blog entry for this calendar year, next week. Also, I expect to do my top Understanding ADA blog

Today’s blog entry deals with the question of what happens if you are a college or university and a student acts out. The acting out is related to a disability or to medication the person is taking for that disability. Instead of engaging the student or discussing whether reasonable accommodations/modifications might solve the problem, the

On Friday of last week, I presented to the Minnesota CLE Health Law Institute in Minneapolis on working with disabled clients and disabled attorneys. One of the cases that came up is the one that we are going to be talking about this week, Battle v. state of Tennessee, here, decided by the Middle

With Thanksgiving week coming up and my wife and daughter coming back from a college trip later today, I thought I would get a blog entry up this weekend for the Thanksgiving week.

It has been a while since we talked about EEOC guidance on Covid-19. In fact, since our last discussion, the EEOC has

Today’s blog entry deals with a topic I have not dealt with before and with topics that I have dealt with before. The topic that I have not dealt with before in my eight years of blogging on the Understanding the ADA is the concept of vicarious exhaustion. There are topics that I have dealt

Next week, my daughter is on break. She has one of those schedules where they are on for six weeks and then off for one week. They do get two weeks for winter vacation. So, since my schedule is likely to be all over the place next week, I thought I would do another blog