I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. Today’s blog entry deals with the question of whether the Civil Service Reform Act, Title VII, and the ADA can all coexist at the same time. The case of the day is Lucas v. American Federation of Government Employees decided on March 29, 2023, lower court
Perez v. Sturgis public schools
Decision Tree After Fry and Perez
Before getting started on the blog entry of the week, I wanted to give everyone a heads up as to the blogging schedule for the rest of the calendar year. My daughter comes home for a three week break on December 13, so we have this blog this week. I will also have a blog…
If it Looks Like a Duck, Quacks Like a Duck, it is Not a Duck
Sometimes I just don’t know until the last minute as to what case I will blog on for the week. I originally thought I would blog on a religious accommodation case. Then, this morning I saw a Fifth Circuit decision involving mandatory reassignment. Right when I was finishing up reading that decision, I saw an…
Perez Oral Argument
Today’s blog entry is the blog entry that I was going to do last week until the EEOC guidance on hearing disabilities in the workplace intervened. That particular guidance was the most personal one that I have ever written. Today, we go back to a more traditional type of blog entry. On January 18, 2023,…