Today’s blog entry deals with the question of what happens if you are a college or university and a student acts out. The acting out is related to a disability or to medication the person is taking for that disability. Instead of engaging the student or discussing whether reasonable accommodations/modifications might solve the problem, the

Yesterday was 9/11 and certainly thinking of everyone.  Also, I appreciate everyone bearing with me on my two week hiatus while my wife and I were abroad. We came back Friday and back to the grind now.

Today’s case is an unpublished decision. Lee v. L3Harris Technologies, Inc., from the Ninth Circuit decided August

The United States Supreme Court and the regulations implementing title I of the ADA allow for a complete defense to discrimination against persons with disabilities when the discrimination is necessary in order to comply with other federal law or regulations. Albertsons v. Kirkingburg 527 U.S. 555, 570, 570 n.16; see also id. at 578 (J.

Previously, I have written two different blog entries dealing with the Air Carrier Access Act. In the first, I talked about whether a private cause of action existed. In the second, I talked about whether the Air Carrier Access Act regulations being so pervasive preempted state laws. This entry concerns a slightly different issue.

In a previous blog entry, the principle of sovereign immunity and how they might apply to a County was discussed. What wasn’t discussed, was whether sovereign immunity would apply to a public university or public college. A case that addresses this is Doe v. Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, 280

In a previous blog entry, I talked about the principle of sovereign immunity as it applies to persons with disabilities. As mentioned in that blog entry, a state, including an arm of the state, is not going to be forced to waive its sovereign immunity with respect to disability discrimination in employment matters.

The ADA is an extremely complex and comprehensive law. The temptation is to think that the ADA applies whenever a person with disability has their rights arguably infringed. However, that just isn’t the case. The situation may be governed by other laws. For example, if a person has an individual education plan, the law that