Next week, my daughter is on break. She has one of those schedules where they are on for six weeks and then off for one week. They do get two weeks for winter vacation. So, since my schedule is likely to be all over the place next week, I thought I would do another blog
C.V. v. Dudek
Can DOJ Enforce Title II of the ADA Redux
Previously, we discussed in this blog entry a case out of the Southern District of Florida holding that DOJ had no authority to enforce on its own title II of the ADA. That decision laid out the case against DOJ having independent title II enforcement. However, I thought it would be interesting to discuss…
Survival of ADA Claims Redux
Two years ago, I discussed in this blog entry the issue of whether ADA claims survive. In that case, the court looked to local law to decide whether the ADA claim survived. Today’s case, Guenther v. Griffin C Inc., goes one further by holding that it isn’t local law that decides whether claims for…
Does the Department Of Justice Have Standing to Sue or Intervene to Enforce Title II of the ADA
Before we get started on the blog entry of the day, a couple of housekeeping matters are in order. First, you may be wondering why my website/blog site and my professional email went down last week. The company that was hosting my website was bought out by another company, and there were some mechanical things…