After a two-month period, where my computer was completely on the fritz, I may have finally fixed it. It turns out that Windows itself had become corrupted and that it needed to reinstall Windows. Once I did, that fixed the problem. You wouldn’t believe what I went through
Let’s Talk Voting: Absentee Ballots and the ADA
By William Goren on
It is shaping up to be a very interesting election year. In honor of the election theme, today is right after the Republican Nevada caucus with super Tuesday coming up next week, today’s case is a case out of the Fourth Circuit, National Federation of the Blind v. Lamone, which discusses whether the Maryland…
Preventive law systems a must: title II and voting booths
By William Goren on
The axiom of preventive law is that we live in such a litigious society that you can’t prevent a lawsuit. However, you can take steps where if you get sued you can win that lawsuit. A case that illustrates as to what happens when you do not have preventive law systems is United Spinal Association…