As I anticipated, it was not possible for me to get a blog entry up last week with all the traveling I was doing. However, I am back now. Recently, HHS came out with their final 504 regulations, which we previously blogged on the proposed regulations here. There were a few changes that are
Quinones v. University of Puerto Rico school of medicine
Health and Human Services Updated §504 Proposed Regulations
Before getting started on the blog entry for the day, I do want to take this opportunity to wish those who celebrated the Jewish new year, a happy new year.
I spent last Friday reading the proposed §504 regulations, which runs a little over three hundred pages, put out by the U.S. Department of…
DOJ Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Guidance Document
Baseball season has started. Cleveland has a new name. Good luck to everyone with respect to their teams. My Braves are loaded as are the Chicago White Sox. The Chicago Cubs are in rebuilding mode I think. Good luck to everyone!
I actually have an embarrassment of riches with respect to cases to blog…
ADA and Reasonable Accommodations: The HR (Title I) Version

A few weeks back, I attended a chat seminar put on by the Society for Human Resources Management on reasonable accommodations and the ADA. What happens in that kind of seminar is that people write in their questions online and then knowledge advisors respond. The knowledge advisors are very…
Alcoholism, Associational Discrimination, Retaliation, and Magic Words
For my Jewish brethren, I hope everyone survived the gauntlet of the Jewish High Holidays, which ended last night. Again, wishing everyone and their families a happy and healthy new year.
Today’s case comes from the United States District Court’s Southern Division in South Dakota and it takes on issues of alcoholism as a disability,…
Current User of Illegal Drugs Does Not Mean Actual Use When It Comes to a Recovering Addict
I am back to my Monday postings. In my latest article, just published by the ABA GPSolo magazine, I discussed the legal parameters that an employer is faced with when it comes to dealing with an employee addicted to the Internet. This week’s case continues that line of thought, albeit with respect to alcohol…