Y’all may be wondering where my blog entry from last week went. I was absolutely slammed with client matters and could not get to it. I’ve got a moment now. So, this blog entry is going up at the beginning of this week. Before moving onto the blog entry of the day, there have been
Shell Reversed on Appeal
Before getting started on the blog entry of the week, I want to congratulate the Washington Nationals on their World Series victory where for the first time, a road team won every single game. Congratulations. I will be very curious to see whether the Washington nationals go to the White House. As everyone knows, a…
Medical Licensing Boards, Physician Health Programs, and the Lack of ADA Compliance: an Opportunity for Plaintiff Lawyers
Egregious Fitness for Duty Policy Leads to Class Action Certification
Before getting started on our blog entry for the week, I want to let everyone know that next week my daughter’s school has a break, and we are off to Universal Orlando for the week. We are all big Harry Potter fans. So, with Monday being a holiday and my daughter being off with some…
What Not to do With Respect to Pre-employment Disability Related Inquiries and Retaliation
Here in Atlanta, we have finally moved into fall weather. That means temperatures in the afternoons in the upper 60s and low 70s and temperatures in the evenings and mornings in the 50s. The 20 to 30° range of temperature that Atlanta gets in the winter and in the fall took some getting used to.…
Issues Relating to Medical Exams
I did not blog last week, but I have a good excuse. Last week, was the Jewish day of atonement, Yom Kippur, and my daughter was also on fall break. For those who were celebrating last week, I hope your holidays went well. My daughter is now back in school, and so I am ready…
Fear of Future Disability Actionable Under ADA?
Today’s blog entry deals with the question of whether taking adverse action against a person who does not currently not have a disability but where the employer fears will develop a disability in the future is actionable under the ADA. We will discuss two cases going opposite ways. They are: EEOC v. STME, LLC d/b/a/ …
Shaquem Williams, NFL, and the ADA
I was trying to figure out what to blog on this week. I had various possibilities in mind, but for one reason or the other I rejected each of them, though one of them I put back in my pipeline. As everyone knows, the ADA and professional sports has long been an interest of mine.…
Job Relatedness and Business Necessity Revisited
Hope everybody had a great holiday season and happy new year to all! Back to the grind:-)
The blog entry for the week explores two different cases dealing with disability related inquiries and medical exams of employees. The cases are from the Seventh Circuit and from the District Court of the District of Columbia.…
The Double Whammy of Pregnancy and Disability after Young v. UPS: EEOC Steps in
This is an update to the blog entry that I previously posted. I am revising it because upon further review, it is NFL season after all (Go Falcons!; Go Cubs too!), I realized that confusion was created over when the amendments to the ADA went into effect versus when the final regulations of the ADA…