After a two-month period, where my computer was completely on the fritz, I may have finally fixed it. It turns out that Windows itself had become corrupted and that it needed to reinstall Windows. Once I did, that fixed the problem. You wouldn’t believe what I went through
heightened scrutiny
Why Argue ADA at all in Gender Dysphoria Cases, When Title IX and the Equal Protection Clause are Available?
The case of the week asks the question why a person with gender dysphoria, would bother going with the ADA if he or she could go with title IX of the Civil Rights Act or the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment instead. Recently, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals held here that…
Professional licensing authorities and sovereign immunity
Recently, I talked about a decision from the 11th circuit which displayed a very good understanding of disability, in that case deafness, in a way that you do not often see in judicial decisions. Oftentimes when you are reading a case, you wonder whether a judge gets “disability,” so to speak. This particular blog entry…
Sovereign immunity principles outside of sovereign immunity claims and the importance of self-evaluation and transition plans
In a previous blog entry, I talked about the principle of sovereign immunity as it applies to persons with disabilities. As mentioned in that blog entry, a state, including an arm of the state, is not going to be forced to waive its sovereign immunity with respect to disability discrimination in employment matters.…