Before getting started on the blog of the week, some housekeeping matters. First, my blog was late this week. My daughter came home from camp on Monday, and so my time is different than it usually is. Second, starting tomorrow, my family will be in Chicago visiting both sides of the family. So,
FMLA leave
Interaction Between FMLA and ADA: A Whole Lot Going on
The best weekend in sports is no doubt the first and second round of the NCAA basketball tournament. I hope your bracket survived. The UMBC VA game was amazing (even my 14-year-old daughter was into it), and there were plenty of other upsets along the way as well. I am in two pools (brother and…
If You Are Alleging Associational Discrimination in the Employment Context, Odds Are You Will Have To Fit the Facts into Certain Boxes
I potentially have jury duty on Monday. It is hard to believe that I would be selected. However, Georgia has no exemptions for attorneys serving on juries. I think like most attorneys, I would love to have the opportunity to serve on a jury. On the other hand, attorneys are paid to persuade. Also, I…
Intersection between the FMLA and the ADA as amended: how it can get you in trouble
Over the years, lots of people have written about the intersection between Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), myself included. You simply cannot deal with the ADA and not be aware of the FMLA and vice-versa. Some of the things to be aware of is that the FMLA…
How might you know when more leave is a reasonable accommodation once FMLA leave has been used up?
There are several laws out there that intersect with the Americans with Disabilities Act. One of them is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). That law intersects with the Americans with Disabilities Act in a variety of ways. I am not going to explore all of those ways in this entry. What I do…