Today’s blog entry deals with a case that got quite a bit of publicity from labor and employment attorneys on LinkedIn when it came out. I promised then that I would blog on it. So, here goes. The case of the day is Hopman v. Union Pacific Railroad out of the Western Division of the
essential functions
Reassignment is a Reasonable Accommodation of Last Resort
Today’s blog entry deals with the question of what happens when an employer demands that an employee move to a different job without evaluating or completely assessing whether that employee is capable of performing his or her current job’s essential functions with or without reasonable accommodations. The answer to the question says the Fourth Circuit…
Burden of Proof for Determining Essential Functions of the Job
Before getting started on the blog entry of the day, yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the ADA. Happy anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the things that comes up is why is the ADA such a good idea if hiring people with disabilities has remained static over the years. My response to that question is…
EEOC and Covid-19 Part III
As everyone knows, I rarely post to blog entries in a week. However, there are exceptions. The EEOC has updated their guidance on the pandemic twice since we last wrote, including yesterday. So, I thought it would be a good time to go over the paragraphs of the EEOC guidance that we have yet to…
The ADA and the Coronavirus: The Key Concepts Edition
Everything is about the coronavirus both in our personal lives and in our professional lives. You can find several excellent blog entries on the coronavirus from people in my blog roll, such as but not limited to Jon Hyman and Eric Meyer. I saw the other day that OSHA has weighed in as well.…
Lewis v. Union City Yet Again
Dog in Apartments, Hostile Work Environment and the ADA, and Scared of Needles
Today’s blog entry is a triple play. In the first, we will go over an advice column and discuss what they got wrong and what they got right. In the second and third situation, we will briefly discuss two cases that came down from the Second Circuit recently: dealing with hostile environment under the ADA…
Qualified Otherwise Qualified Means Factoring in Reasonable Accommodations
Today’s blog entry returns us back to the world of employment law. One of the things that drives me crazy is that people, including judges, sometimes forget whether a person is qualified to do a particular job means assessing whether the individual can perform the essential functions of the job WITH or without reasonable accommodations.…
Distilling Essential Functions of the Job to its Basics
In all the years I have been blogging, the number of times I have blogged more than once a week is about three I believe. So, why am I making an exception now? Well, my next few weeks are going to be really weird. My daughter comes home from camp on Monday after four weeks.…
Regarded As: What Not to Do
Hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day.
Today’s blog entry is a case that I’ve had in my pipeline for quite a long time. I actually know the plaintiff’s attorney on the case, Cheryl Lagare of Lagare, Attwood & Wolfe. We have spoken a few times, and she is a fabulous CLE speaker. When this…