Obviously, I missed a blog entry last week. I have a good excuse. My daughter’s bat mitzvah was July 8. While the bat mitzvah and the reception and everything else went great (she did a great job!), the hangover was considerable. Once the hangover subsided, I had a client matter to attend to. However, I

Today’s case is a case originating in Winston-Salem, NC that I have been following for some time. I want to thank Robin Shea, who actually works in Winston-Salem, for alerting me in a recent entry to her blog (see my blogroll), that the Fourth Circuit decision came down. The case is Stephenson v. Pfizer, Inc.

Just about everyone on the Internet and in the blogosphere is talking about the filing of Coach Sarkisian’s disability discrimination lawsuit against University of Southern California. All kinds of folks have blogged on it already. Normally, since all kinds of folks have blogged on it, many doing it quite well, I would refrain from commenting.

This is an update to the blog entry that I previously posted. I am revising it because upon further review, it is NFL season after all (Go Falcons!; Go Cubs too!), I realized that confusion was created over when the amendments to the ADA went into effect versus when the final regulations of the ADA