For you baseball fans out there, yesterday was a big day. Both the NL Central and the NL West had a one game play in to decide whether they are going to be the division winner or the wildcard. I’m lucky because my native team, the Chicago Cubs, are assured of a playoff spot (wildcard
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Sovereign Immunity in the Absence of Constitutional Violations
By William Goren on
After a two-month period, where my computer was completely on the fritz, I may have finally fixed it. It turns out that Windows itself had become corrupted and that it needed to reinstall Windows. Once I did, that fixed the problem. You wouldn’t believe what I went through…
Let’s go to the movies
By William Goren on
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Before moving onto the blog of the week, a housekeeping matter is in order. For the third year in a row, Understanding the ADA has been selected as one of the top 100 legal blogs by the American Bar Association. No way could I have done that without…