My most popular blog entry this quarter by far is whether you can get compensatory and punitive damages for retaliation claims, which can be found here. This week’s blog entry explores a different topic but related, which is whether a corporation can bring a retaliation claim and not just an individual. Our case today
Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council
Earll v. eBay and Cullen v. Netflix before the 9th Circuit: Perez matters NOW though nobody seemed to see it
By William Goren on
This week is a two fer. At 11 AM Eastern time, the United States Supreme Court will hear argument in Sheehan (my blog entry on that case can be found here). I promise that I will read the transcript of the argument and post my analysis this week.
This particular blog entry involves…
Service dogs and the Department of Justice regulations: can they be challenge successfully?
By William Goren on
In a comment to the service dog v. therapy dog blog entry, I promised that I would follow-up with an exploration of whether the Department of Justice regulations with respect to service dogs and how they differ from therapy dogs and the corresponding difference in treatment with respect to the ADA, would survive a challenge…