Last week, both the DOJ and the EEOC issued technical assistance memorandums/documents detailing their concerns about using AI in employment. It definitely made big news. As someone who knows individuals have gone through AI processes in hiring, these guidances are not surprising as one just had to figure that AI was being used to screen
Kroll v. white Lake ambulance authority
Executive Agency Goings on and How Far Can You Go with a Request for Information
Y’all may be wondering where my blog entry from last week went. I was absolutely slammed with client matters and could not get to it. I’ve got a moment now. So, this blog entry is going up at the beginning of this week. Before moving onto the blog entry of the day, there have been…
Job Related, Business Necessity, Direct Threat at the CEO level
When it comes to blog entries, sometimes, I have a pipeline of cases to discuss. Sometimes, I have to search for a case to discuss. Sometimes, a news item comes up bearing discussing. As of now, cases in my pipeline include: standing under title III of the ADA; a tour de force on why Internet…
Medical inquiries, medical exams, disability related inquiries, job relatedness, and consistent with business necessity
The ADA has a whole scheme that deals with medical inquiries/exams/ disability related inquiries. Basically, the way it works is this:
1. Preemployment medical inquiries/ exams are prohibited. However, nothing wrong with asking whether a person can do what would be an essential function of the job. That said, if you are going…
Goodbye Safe Harbor Thanks to the Affordable Care Act?
My experience with law review articles is that for the most part they are very difficult to read, rarely practical, and rarely on the cutting edge of things with respect to how practitioners are concerned. There are exceptions. For example, in my book, in the ADA and Sports chapter, I spent quite…