Today’s blog entry is going to be my last substantive blog entry of the year. My daughter is on break the last two weeks of December, and just about everybody takes the Christmas season off anyway. The very last blog entry of the calendar year is when I traditionally do my top 10 Understanding the
ADA consulting expert
Hostile Work Environment Issues and Demotion as a Reasonable Accommodation
Next week is Thanksgiving week. My daughter has that entire week off. So, I am not sure about a blog entry for next week.
I have a whole bunch of cases in my pile that I can blog on. When I was going through them this morning, I ultimately decided to blog on a…
Interactive Process Framework
I recently had the privilege of presenting at the Georgia ADA Coordinators conference held at the Georgia aquarium. In the room that I presented in, it ran right up against the beluga whales exhibit. There were times when I would look around the room, and I would see a couple of beluga whales staring at…
Shell Reversed on Appeal
Before getting started on the blog entry of the week, I want to congratulate the Washington Nationals on their World Series victory where for the first time, a road team won every single game. Congratulations. I will be very curious to see whether the Washington nationals go to the White House. As everyone knows, a…
Are Gender Dysphoria and Gender Identity Disorders the Same? Why Does it Even Matter?
As I mentioned last week, I have a whole bunch of cases to blog on my pipeline. It took me quite a bit to decide on what to blog on. Ultimately, I decided to blog on Doe v. Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation, a decision that came down from the United States District Court of…
Readily Achievable Defense Even After Alteration?
Before getting started on our blog entry of the week, good luck to the Houston Astros and the Washington Nationals in the World Series starting tonight. Turning to the blog entry of the week, I really really struggled with what to blog on this week. It wasn’t for lack of cases in my pipeline, I…
Sexual Orientation and Transgender Cases Before the United States Supreme Court
Last week, the United States Supreme Court heard the trio of LGBT cases. I was previously on record as saying that I expected sexual orientation to be a difficult call, and the transgender plaintiff would win because discrimination occurring against transgender individuals is usually based upon stereotypes. I then read the transcript of the oral…
Domino’s Cert. Denial and What Does it Mean?
The intersection of the ADA with the NFL
Things have been absolutely crazy this week between client matters, the Jewish new year, and speaking engagements. I do want to wish everyone celebrating a happy new year. As everyone knows, I have a very strong interest in the intersection of the ADA and sports. In the very first edition of my book, which…
DOJ can enforce title II of the ADA for now
Next week, my daughter is on break. She has one of those schedules where they are on for six weeks and then off for one week. They do get two weeks for winter vacation. So, since my schedule is likely to be all over the place next week, I thought I would do another blog…