Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I certainly have a lot to be thankful for. A wonderful wife, a wonderful daughter, and a great place to live (Decatur, Georgia). Also, I have wonderful readers of this blog. The gold standard for any legal blog is the ABA blawg 100. Certainly, as I have gotten more deeply involved in blogging, I had that goal in mind. It is indeed quite humbling to find out last week while I was in Chicago for Thanksgiving with my family visiting family, that I have been selected for the ABA Blawg 100. I want to thank all my readers and those who nominated me for inclusion in this list. So, where does this blog go from here? Well, I think it is more of the same. I can’t imagine not doing this blog. Also, you now have the chance to vote for my blog to be the best of the category here. So, please go ahead and vote for me. The thing of it is, that unlike other blog categories where many of the bloggers in the categories are writing about similar things, the niche category is for those legal blogs that don’t fit in anywhere. There is absolutely no overlap between any of us. The distinguished list of blog topics in this category include: international judicial assistance in civil and commercial cases; Texas agricultural blog; a blog devoted to the Court of Appeals US Armed Forces (a court which interestingly enough I am admitted to); a blog devoted to increasing access to justice through technology; a blog focused on genealogy (I have been thinking about doing some genealogical research lately, and so I may want to read this one soon); cultural heritage; director and officers liability insurance; bankruptcy, and a blog devoted to wine. As you can see, these blogs have absolutely nothing to do with each other, but are all very interesting and quite different in their own way. Therefore, the victory is just being part of this group, though of course everyone wants to be the best:-). Congratulations to everyone in this category. I also want to congratulate my other fellow bloggers that made the list as well and whose blogs I read regularly including: Robin Shea’s blog; Jon Hyman’s Blog; Donna Ballman’s blog; Jeff Nowak’s Blog; and Eric Meyer’s Blog.