I started writing this blog on election day, which turned out to be very interesting by the end of it with President Trump winning both the popular and electoral votes. Of course, the next question is what does that election mean for persons with disabilities. We don’t know, but a few immediate thoughts come to
42 U.S.C. §12203
Interactive Process, Retaliation, and Interference in Title III
I hope everyone that celebrated had a good new year season. Wishing all of those a happy new year. In other news, early election voting is underway in many states. My family voted yesterday. Be sure to vote for the candidate of your choice.
Today’s blog entry returns to a long-standing interest of mine.…
Murray v. UBS Securities and its Possible Impact Upon ADA Jurisprudence
The blog entry for the week is actually not an ADA case at all but it may have a substantial impact on the ADA universe. The case of the day is Murray v. UBS securities, LLC, a unanimous decision written by Justice Sotomayor, from the Supreme Court decided on February 8, 2024, here. It…
Kansas HB 2016
Recently, the governor of Kansas signed House Bill 2016 giving the Kansas Atty. Gen. all kinds of authority to jump in on lawsuits involving website accessibility, and possibly accessibility in general, if the defendant is a Kansas resident or a Kansas Corporation. I see all kinds of problems with this bill and thought it would…
A Twofer: What ADA Title Applies When Filing Interference Claims and Can You Use §1985 as a Workaround
The blog entry that goes up for this week will be the last one before the week of August 29 as we will be taking our daughter off to college this coming Friday. She moves in the following week. So, no blog entry the week after this one and this one counts for the week…
Did the Supreme Court Actually Clarify Qualified Immunity in City of Tahlequah v. Bond?
Before turning to today’s blog entry, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a happy holiday season, and a happy new year. Also, be safe.
Today’s blog entry is really short. Recently, I came across a legal blog entry suggesting that the Supreme Court had clarified the doctrine of qualified immunity in a…
Ignorance is Bliss for Police
Before getting started on the blog entry of the week, the Atlanta Braves are world champions!! Our local school district is not going to have school tomorrow. It was senior skip day and the Atlanta Braves parade is tomorrow. So, the decision not to have school makes perfect sense. The community we live in is…
Covid-19 scenarios
Today’s blog entry is a bit something different. What I thought I would do is discuss several Covid-19 scenarios happening in the real world and see how they apply to the ADA.
State of Connecticut’s Crackdown on Mask Exemptions
On August 12, 2020, the Hartford Courant reported that the governor of Connecticut…
What Not to do With Respect to Pre-employment Disability Related Inquiries and Retaliation
Here in Atlanta, we have finally moved into fall weather. That means temperatures in the afternoons in the upper 60s and low 70s and temperatures in the evenings and mornings in the 50s. The 20 to 30° range of temperature that Atlanta gets in the winter and in the fall took some getting used to.…
The Washington and Hawaii Approaches to the Misrepresentation of Service Dogs
Previously, I had mentioned that I was going to explore how some States are reacting to the increasing use of dogs being misrepresented as service dogs. I also previously covered here the approach Texas took with respect to service dogs in general. So, today, I want to explore how Hawaii and Washington are reacting to…